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来源:十大赌博老品牌网站 更新时间:2022-11-16 17:26:38

  朱琳玉,博士,河南驻马店人。近年来一直在新能源领域从事半导体光催化和环境化学相关的研究工作。主要研究集中在高性能光催化剂的研发、光催化性能提升的关键因素研究以及光催化剂改性策略优化等。部分研究成果以第一作者身份发表在《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》、《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》等国际学术期刊上,总引用345次,其中一篇ESI%高被引论文。



1.20179- 20219国家自然科学基金面上项目,石墨烯包覆分级结构纳米复合材料的制备及光电性能研究,65万元,参与
2.20149- 20189国家自然科学基金面上项目,-壳纳米结构复合材料的构筑及其光电性能研究,70万元,参与


1.Linyu Zhu, Hong Li*, Quanlong Xu, Dehua Xiong, Pengfei Xia. High-efficient separation of photoinduced carriers on double Z-scheme heterojunction for superior photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020,564, 303-312.
2.Linyu Zhu, Hong Li*, Zirui Liu, Pengfei Xia, Dehua Xiong*. Hierarchical ZnO decorated with CeO2nanoparticles as the direct Z-Scheme heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic activity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(46), 39679-39687. 
3.Linyu Zhu, Hong Li*, Zirui Liu, Pengfei Xia, Yahong Xie, Dehua Xiong*. Synthesis of the 0D/3D CuO/ZnO heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic performance. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(17), 9531-9539.中科院2区,
4.Linyu Zhu, Zirui Liu, Pengfei Xia, Hong Li*, Yahong Xie. Synthesis of hierarchical ZnO & Graphene composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(1), 849-856.


